Trucks & Trailers - Miscellaneous

Location: Wellington, Colorado

"4 Horse Slant Load "

Price: $17000

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2006 model year, Featherlite 4 Horse trailer. 7.5 ft tall x 7.5 ft wide. Stalls are 40 inches wide. Front tack room with water tank, rear collapsible tack area. 25 ft on the deck.
Has only had horses in it a few times - more times used for moving my daughter!

For more information contact:

Don Morse
Wirthmoor Farms
5703 Rusty Spur Ln
Wellington, Colorado 80549
Phone 970-631-9997

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Ad Reference Number is 676383b5722a7
This ad has had 98 hits since created on 2024-12-18
Last modified on 2024-12-18
Last renewed on 2024-12-18

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